II. Variables reference
Table of Contents
- $arg-choice-def-close-str, … — Punctuation marks used in formatting
- $err:DYNAMIC-PROFILE-EVAL-ERROR — Error evaluating dynamic profile expression
- $err:DYNAMIC-PROFILE-SYNTAX-ERROR — Internal error processing dynamic profiles
- $err:INTERNAL-HIGHLIGHT-ERROR — Internal error in syntax highlighting
- $err:INTERNAL-RENUMBER-ERROR — Internal error in chunk formatting
- $err:INVALID-AREAREFS — Callout area refers to invalid target
- $err:INVALID-CALS — CALS table is invalid
- $err:INVALID-CONSTRAINT — Incorrect constraint reference
- $err:INVALID-DYNAMIC-PROFILE-ERROR — Invalid value specified for
- $err:INVALID-INJECT — Invalid callout area specification
- $err:INVALID-NAME-STYLE — Invalid name style
- $err:INVALID-PRODUCTIONRECAP — Incorrect production reference
- $err:INVALID-RESULTS-REQUESTED — Invalid result form parameter
- $err:INVALID-TEMPLATE — Invalid template reference
- $err:INVALID-TRANSFORM — Error processing a transform
- $v:personal-name-styles — The list of known personal name styles
- $v:VERSION — The stylesheet version
- $v:VERSION-ID — A unique version identifier
- $v:admonition-icons — Admonition icons
- $v:annotation-close — Annotation close button
- $v:as-json — Map for serializing JSON
- $v:as-xml — Map for serializing XML
- $v:bridgehead-map — Maps
values - $v:chunk — Are we chunking on this run?
- $v:chunk-filter-namespaces — Namespace context for chunking expressions
- $v:chunk-renumber-footnotes — Renumber footnotes when chunking?
- $v:custom-localizations — Customize localizations
- $v:debug — Debugging flags
- $v:formal-object-title-placement — Placement of formal object titles
- $v:formalgroup-nested-object-title-placement — Placement of formal object titles within a formalgroup
- $v:highlight-js-head-elements — CSS and JavaScript to support highlight.js
- $v:image-nominal-height — Nominal height of an image
- $v:image-nominal-width — Nominal width of an image
- $v:invisible-characters — A list of characters that are invisible in verbatim environments
- $v:localization-base-uri — Base URI for localization data files
- $v:media-type-default — Default media type
- $v:media-type-map — Mapping from extensions to media types
- $v:mediaobject-details-placement — Placement of formal object titles
- $v:mediaobject-exclude-extensions — Exluded media type extensions
- $v:mediaobject-input-base-uri — Base URI of images and other media in the XML sources
- $v:mediaobject-output-base-uri — Base URI of images and other media in the output
- $v:nominal-page-width — The nominal page width
- $v:olink-databases — External olink databases
- $v:pi-db-attributes-are-uris — Controls which “db” processing instruction pseudo-attributes are URIs
- $v:prism-js-head-elements — CSS and JavaScript to support Prism
- $v:standard-transforms — The standard pre-processing transformations
- $v:templates — Custom templates for title pages
- $v:theme-list — Enumerates available themes
- $v:title-groups — Controls how titles are formatted
- $v:title-properties — Controls how titles are formatted
- $v:titlepage-default — Default template for title pages
- $v:toc-close — Persistent ToC close button
- $v:toc-open — Persistent ToC open button
- $v:unit-scale — List of known measurement units and their sizes
- $v:user-title-groups — Controls how titles are formatted
- $v:user-title-properties — Controls how titles are formatted
- $v:user-xref-groups — Controls how cross-references are formatted
- $v:user-xref-properties — Controls how cross-references are formatted
- $v:verbatim-callouts — A list determining how callouts are processed
- $v:verbatim-line-style — List of verbatim elements to be rendered in the line style
- $v:verbatim-number-every-nth — Line numbering frequency
- $v:verbatim-number-first-line — Always number the first line of a verbatim listing?
- $v:verbatim-number-minlines — Shortest listing to number
- $v:verbatim-numbered-elements — Identifies verbatim elements that should have line numbers
- $v:verbatim-plain-style — List of verbatim elements to be rendered in the plain style
- $v:verbatim-properties — Controls the verbatim properties of an element
- $v:verbatim-space — The space character to use when padding verbatim lines
- $v:verbatim-syntax-highlight-languages — Languages for which syntax highlighting should be performed
- $v:verbatim-syntax-highlight-options — Syntax highlighting options
- $v:verbatim-syntax-highlight-pygments-options — Pygments options
- $v:verbatim-table-style — List of verbatim elements to be rendered in the table style
- $v:xref-groups — Controls how cross-references are formatted
- $v:xref-properties — Controls how cross-references are formatted