
These stylesheets are the third iteration of stylesheets for DocBook that I’ve written. I started working on the XSLT 1.0 Stylesheets for DocBook in the 90’s, before XSLT 1.0 was even a W3C Recommendation. I started working on the XSLT 2.0 Stylesheets for DocBook just around the time when XSLT 2.0 became a W3C Recommendation. I wrote most of DocBook xslTNG just a month or so before the third anniversary of the XSLT 3.0 Recommendation.

Why did it take so long?

To answer that question, we need to reflect for a moment on XSLT and its place in the XML ecosystem. When XSLT arrived on the scene, we were near the peak of XML enthusiasm. Not only was XML supported everywhere, it was possible to imagine XSLT everywhere as well. Certainly, the presence of XSLT in the browser felt significant at the time.

The ubiquity of XML and the fact that XSLT was “just an XML vocabulary” may have contributed to another significant phenomenon: lots of users who did not self identify as programmers were learning to use XSLT and doing significant things with it.

There were other tools available for transforming markup at the time, and arguably some of them were better than XSLT, but they were programming languages and you had to be a programmer to use them. They were also mostly commercial applications not widely available to casual users.

XSLT was free, it was everywhere, and it was used by everyone, not “just” programmers. It was the clear winner than and remains the clear winner today in terms of markup transformation.

You could do a lot of things with XSLT 1.0. You could do a lot more things than you might at first even have thought possible. (In fact, you could do all things, but the Turing complete nature of XSLT isn’t relevant here.) Some very common tasks, like grouping, were possible but difficult. Lots of very useful things were either not possible or required extensions: regular expressions, functions, date and time formatting, creating special characters in the output, to name just a few.

XSLT 2.0 solved all of these problems (and more). Significantly, I think, all of these new features appealed directly to almost all users of XSLT 1.0. Everyone had encountered a grouping problem (building an index, for example). Everyone had wanted regular expression matching or date formatting. Lots of users wanted to write more sophisticated predicates (and many were willing to learn how to use functions to achieve that result).

XSLT 3.0 arguably introduces larger and more dramatic features than XSLT 2.0 did. There are a bunch of new features designed to enable streaming processing; there are significant software engineering improvements: packaging, exception handling, and assertions; there are common programming language constructs like maps and arrays. There is also a selection of features inherited from updates to XPath (new functions, a subset of let syntax, and support for higher order functions, for example).

What’s curious, I think, is that many of these features are probably less immediately appealing to many (most?) current users. XSLT 2.0 doesn’t feel constraining in the same way that XSLT 1.0 did, and the features in XSLT 3.0 don’t immediately and obviously solve problems that most users have.

Streaming, for example, is incredibly powerful and it’s an important and significant milestone in markup processing. It makes it possible to solve whole classes of problems that were previously impossible to solve or required enormously expensive hardware. But my laptop will quite easily process a book full of complex markup that runs to hundreds of pages. I don’t have any problems that require a streaming processor.

Likewise, packaging is useful and important. The DocBook xslTNG stylesheets should absolutely be a package. But that’s not true of a lot of stylesheets. There might be software engineering benefit in making a package even for stylesheets that you don’t intend to distribute, but that’s more likely to appeal to people who think of what they’re doing is programming.

Nevertheless, there are lots of good reasons to use XSLT 3.0 even if you are “only” transforming documents and even if you don’t think of writing transformations as programming.