An Example of a Presentation

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Revision History
1.0.018 Aug 2020ndw

Initial publication.

Part IIntroduction

Table of Contents

The Speaker

  • Did a thing

  • Has a thing

  • Also did another thing


  • What is your name?

  • What do you do?

  • What are you hoping to get out of this course?

Part IIBackground

What is this?

Sometimes it’s useful to present training materials in “slide” form. That is one page at a time, in the browser, projected in a classroom or presented over the web.

That’s a lot like paging through a book in the “chunked” view, so we’re going to abuse the heck out of that markup.

A typical slide

  • Slides often wind up being just a list of bullet points

  • This probably not the ideal presentation technique

  • But it’s typical never-the-less.

  • (This is DocBook, you can put anything you want on the slides, even pretty cat pictures if you want.)

Sequential presentation

  • Slides often wind up being just a list of bullet points

  • This probably not the ideal presentation technique

  • But it’s typical never-the-less.

  • (This is DocBook, you can put anything you want on the slides, even pretty cat pictures if you want.)

This is a test.

This is a transitory test.

This is a final test.

Sequential presentation 2

  • Static.

  1. Slides often wind up being just a list of bullet points

  2. This probably not the ideal presentation technique

  3. But it’s typical never-the-less.

  4. (This is DocBook, you can put anything you want on the slides, even pretty cat pictures if you want.)

  • Also static.


Thank you

Thank you!