Unit Test: refentry.002
Also Minimal — Another test of a minimal RefEntry.
This is a minimal RefEntry.
This is a minimal RefEntry.
This is a minimal RefEntry.
Refsect4-level subsection
Check the indenting.
Refsect5-level subsection
Check the indenting.
More Description
This is a not-so minimal RefEntry.
LadjwqopnsfilThis is a formalpara. That is, a paragraph with a title. One way to generate output for it is to take the title, “Ladjwqopnsfil”, and use it as a “run in” heading that is rendered inline at the start of the paragraph, followed by a period (or some other punctuation mark).
Even More Description
The following two words, “foo” and “bar”, are both empasized, separately, with a space between them: foo bar. Here is the same pair of words in bold, with a space between them: foo bar