Unit test: programlisting.012

A program listing for the language “none”.

1 |ProgramListing: This is a test
  |  Only a test.
  |Had this been a real emegency,
  |  We would have fled in terror
5 |And you would not have been informed.

A program listing for the language “python” (explicitly).

 1 |    def _check_arg(self, arg):
   |        if ":" in arg:
   |            pos = arg.index(":")
   |            name = arg[0:pos]
 5 |            value = arg[(pos + 1):]
   |            if name in ("-x", "-y", "-r", "-init"):
   |                raise JavaClassRunnerException(
   |                    f"The {arg} option cannot be specified")
   |            if name == "-catalog":
10 |                self.catalogs.append(value)
   |                return
   |            elif name == "-xsl":
   |                self.stylesheet = arg
   |        self._app_args.append(arg)

A program listing without a language specification.

 1 |    def _check_arg(self, arg):
   |        if ":" in arg:
   |            pos = arg.index(":")
   |            name = arg[0:pos]
 5 |            value = arg[(pos + 1):]
   |            if name in ("-x", "-y", "-r", "-init"):
   |                raise JavaClassRunnerException(
   |                    f"The {arg} option cannot be specified")
   |            if name == "-catalog":
10 |                self.catalogs.append(value)
   |                return
   |            elif name == "-xsl":
   |                self.stylesheet = arg
   |        self._app_args.append(arg)

A program listing for the language “xml”

1 |<xsl:function name="f:verbatim-trim-trailing" as="xs:boolean">
  |  <xsl:param name="context" as="element()"/>
  |  <xsl:variable name="pi" select="f:pi($context, 'verbatim-trim-trailing')"/>
  |  <xsl:sequence select="if ($pi)
5 |                        then f:is-true($pi)
  |                        else f:is-true($verbatim-trim-trailing-blank-lines)"/>

A program listing for the language “xslt”

1 |<xsl:function name="f:verbatim-trim-trailing" as="xs:boolean">
  |  <xsl:param name="context" as="element()"/>
  |  <xsl:variable name="pi" select="f:pi($context, 'verbatim-trim-trailing')"/>
  |  <xsl:sequence select="if ($pi)
5 |                        then f:is-true($pi)
  |                        else f:is-true($verbatim-trim-trailing-blank-lines)"/>