Article wrapper

 1 |#!/usr/bin/perl -- # --*-Perl-*--
   |use Getopt::Std;
 5 |$usage = "Usage: $0 [-q] [-u|-p|-m] file [ file ... ]\n";
   |die $usage if ! getopts('qupm');
   |die $usage if ($opt_p + $opt_u + $opt_m) != 1;
10 | 
   |$file = shift @ARGV || die $usage;
   |$opt = '-u' if $opt_u;
   |$opt = '-p' if $opt_p;
15 |$opt = '-m' if $opt_m;

This paragraph interrupts the listing. The line numbering continues in the following listing.

16 |while ($file) {
   |    print "Converting $file to $opt linebreaks.\n" if !$opt_q;
   |    open (F, "$file");
   |    binmode F;
20 |    read (F, $_, -s $file);
   |    close (F);
   |    s/\r\n/\n/sg;
   |    s/\r/\n/sg;
25 | 
   |    if ($opt eq '-p') {
   |	s/\n/\r\n/sg;
   |    } elsif ($opt eq '-m') {
   |	s/\n/\r/sg;
30 |    }
   |    open (F, ">$file");
   |    binmode F;
   |    print F $_;
35 |    close (F);
   |    $file = shift @ARGV;