Unit Test: iso690.008.xml

Examples are adapted from ISO 690 and ISO 690-2 standards.

Elements marked with * are optional, + marks mandatory elements for online documents and optional for others.

1Contributions to monographs, databases and computer programs

Primary responsibility (of contribution)MCCONNELL, W. H.
Title (of contribution)Constitutional History
Primary responsibility of host document(not in this example)
Title of host documentThe Canadian Encyclopedia
Type of medium[CD-ROM]
*Subordinate responsibility of host document(not in this example)
EditionMacintosh version 1.1
Place of publicationToronto
PublisherMcClelland & Stewart
Date of publicationc1993
Date of update/revision(not in this example)
+Date of citation(not in this example)
*Numeration within host document(not in this example)
Location within host document(not in this example)
*Notes(not in this example)
+Availability and access(not in this example)
Standard numberISBN 0-7710-1932-7


 1 |<biblioentry role="contribution">
   |  <biblioset relation="part">
   |    <author>
   |      <surname>McConnell</surname>
 5 |      <firstname>W. H.</firstname>
   |    </author>
   |    <title>Constitutional History</title>
   |  </biblioset>
   |  <biblioset relation="book">
10 |    <title>The Canadian Encyclopedia</title>
   |    <bibliomisc role="medium">CD-ROM</bibliomisc>
   |    <edition>Macintosh version 1.1</edition>
   |    <publisher>
   |      <publishername>McClelland &amp; Stewart</publishername>
15 |      <address><city>Toronto</city></address>
   |    </publisher>
   |    <pubdate>c1993</pubdate>
   |    <biblioid class="isbn">0-7710-1932-7</biblioid>
   |  </biblioset>
20 |</biblioentry>

Output according to ISO 690 standard:

MCCONNELL, W. H. Constitutional History. In The Canadian Encyclopedia [CD-ROM]. Macintosh version 1.1. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1993. ISBN 0-7710-1932-7.

DocBook xslTNG output:

McConnellW. H. Constitutional History. In The Canadian Encyclopedia [CD-ROM]. Macintosh version 1.1. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, c1993. ISBN 0-7710-1932-7.