Mixed Glossary with multiple entries

Frank Steimke


The test harness is configured to run this test with the glossary-collection parameter pointing to src/test/resources/glosscollection.xml.

This test checks the glossary-collection machinery when the “internal” glossary is not empty, and some glossterms have definitions in the internal and external glossaries. The externals glossary file path must be given by setting the $glossary-collection transformation parameter.

The internal entry has priority and should therefore cover/overwrite the definition from the external glossary.

We expect a glossary with four entries, mixed from the internal and the external glossaries.

  1. Apple should reference the internal, poetic definition.

  2. Pear references the external definition;

  3. Quince references the internal definition.

  4. Bloodroot references the internal definition.



In early autumn the apple orchards come alive with people and sounds. The farmers are picking, peeling, and processing apples into everything from apple pies to apple sauce. Families swarm the apple trees with their baskets looking for the best Honeycrisp and Macintosh. The sound of children playing is blended with the occasional barking dog, or the low rumble of the old Ferguson Orchard tractor pulling a wagon up and down the rows.


Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot, is a perennial, herbaceous flowering plant native to eastern North America. It is the only species in the genus Sanguinaria, included in the poppy family Papaveraceae, and is most closely related to Eomecon of eastern Asia.

It is sometimes known as Canada puccoon, bloodwort, redroot, red puccoon, and black paste. Plants are variable in leaf and flower shape, and have been separated as a different subspecies due to these variable shapes, indicating a highly variable species.


The pear tree and shrub are a species of genus Pyrus, in the family Rosaceae, bearing the pomaceous fruit of the same name. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit and juices while others are cultivated as trees.


The quince (/ˈkwɪns/; Cydonia oblonga) is the sole member of the genus Cydonia in the Malinae subtribe (which also contains apples and pears, among other fruits) of the Rosaceae family. It is a deciduous tree that bears hard, aromatic bright golden-yellow pome fruit, similar in appearance to a pear. Ripe quince fruits are hard, tart, and astringent. They are eaten raw or processed into marmalade, jam, paste (known as quince cheese) or alcoholic beverages.