Figures numbered from component

Set to test sequential numbering of figures.

First inner set

First book in first set


This is just a test.

Figure 1First figure

Chapter 1First chapter

This is just a test.

Figure 1.1Second figure

Figure 1.2Third figure

Part IFirst part

Chapter 2Second chapter

This is just a test.

Figure 2.1Fourth figure

Subfigure 2.1.1subfigure

Chapter 3Third chapter

This is just a test.

Figure 3.1Fifth figure

Appendix AFirst appendix

This is just a test.

Figure A.1Sixth figure

IFirst reference

Table of Contents


First_refentry — An example refentry.

First refsection

This is just a test.

Figure 1Seventh figure


Second_refentry — A second example refentry.

First refsection

This is just a test.

Figure 1Eighth figure

Second refsection

This is just a test.

Figure 2Ninth figure

Chapter 4Fourth chapter

This is just a test.

Figure 4.1Tenth figure

Appendix BSecond appendix

This is just a test.

Figure B.1Eleventh figure

1First section

Figure B.2Twelfth figure

Second book in first set

Table of Contents
List of Figures


This is just a test.

Figure 1Thirteenth figure