
m:back-cover — Mode for processing the back cover of books and sets.

Defined in:


When a book or set is transformed, it is processed in the m:back-cover mode to generate a back cover. This processing occurs at the end of the transformation; any content generated by the back cover template will occur at the end of the document.

The default processing in this mode is to do nothing, no back cover is generated. An example of what you might put in your customization layer is:

1 |<xsl:template match="*" mode="m:back-cover">
  |  <section class="back-cover">
  |    <xsl:if test="not($output-media = 'print')">
  |      <xsl:attribute name="db-chunk" select="'back-cover' || $html-extension"/>
5 |      <xsl:attribute name="db-navigable" select="'true'"/>
  |    </xsl:if>
  |    <!-- Contents of back cover goes here -->
  |  </section>

The context item for this template is the book or set being processed. One approach is to put the additional material needed for the back cover (author biographies, images, etc.) in the info element of the book or set. These can then be formatted for the back cover.

For print covers, you are likely to need additional CSS styling. For chunked output, the cover will be the “next” link from what would otherwise be the last chunk of the document if the db-navigable attribute is true. If the db-navigable attribute is not true, some other link to the cover must be provided.