$v:standard-transforms — The standard pre-processing transformations.
Defined in:
Used in:
|<xsl:variable name="v:standard-transforms"
| as="map(*)*">
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/00-logstruct.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/10-xinclude.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'functions'"
| select="'Q{http://docbook.org/extensions/xslt}xinclude'"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'" select="'exists(//xi:include)'"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/20-db4to5.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'">
| not(namespace-uri(/*) = 'http://docbook.org/ns/docbook')
| </xsl:map-entry>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'extra-params'"
| select="map { QName('', 'base-uri'): 'base-uri(/*)' }"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/30-transclude.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'" select="'f:is-true($docbook-transclusion)'"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/40-profile.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'">
| f:is-true($dynamic-profiles)
| or $profile-lang != '' or $profile-revisionflag != ''
| or $profile-role != '' or $profile-arch != ''
| or $profile-audience != '' or $profile-condition != ''
| or $profile-conformance != '' or $profile-os != ''
| or $profile-outputformat != '' or $profile-revision != ''
| or $profile-security != '' or $profile-userlevel != ''
| or $profile-vendor != '' or $profile-wordsize != ''
| </xsl:map-entry>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/50-normalize.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/60-annotations.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'" select="'exists(//db:annotation)'"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/70-xlinkbase.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:if test="exists($local-conventions)">
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'" select="$local-conventions"/>
| </xsl:map>
| </xsl:if>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/75-validate.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'functions'"
| select="'Q{http://docbook.org/extensions/xslt}validate-with-relax-ng'"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'" select="'normalize-space($relax-ng-grammar) != '''''"/>
| </xsl:map>
| <xsl:map>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'stylesheet-location'"
| select="resolve-uri('transforms/80-oxy-markup.xsl', static-base-uri())"/>
| <xsl:map-entry key="'test'">
| f:is-true(f:pi(/*/db:info, 'oxy-markup', $oxy-markup))
| and exists(//processing-instruction()[starts-with(name(), 'oxy_')])
| </xsl:map-entry>
| </xsl:map>
This variable contains the list of preprocessing transforms
applied to each document. You can add transformations that operate
on the original document
) or on the result of
these transforms, but before the DocBook HTML transformation occurs
), or after
the HTML transformation ($transform-after
You shouldn’t need to modify this variable unless you want to remove or reorder the standard transforms, or insert your own into the middle.