
m:mediaobject-output-adjust — Adjust the URI references to media objects.

Defined in:


Once the stylesheets have used the $mediaobject-input-base-uri, $mediaobject-output-base-uri, and $mediaobject-output-paths to compute the URI of a media reference, the reference is processed in m:mediaobject-output-adjust mode. This is the stylesheet’s opportunity to make any final adjustments.

The context item for the template will be the attribute that contains the author’s original value. The adjusted value is passed in as the $adjusted-uri parameter. The value returned by the template is used in the HTML.

Here is an example that groups images, audio, and video files in their own directories:

 1 |<xsl:template match="@*" mode="m:mediaobject-output-adjust">
   |  <xsl:param name="adjusted-uri" as="xs:string"/>
   |  <xsl:choose>
 5 |    <xsl:when test="exists(f:uri-scheme(.))">
   |      <!-- Don't mess with absolute URIs... -->
   |      <xsl:sequence select="$adjusted-uri"/>
   |    </xsl:when>
   |    <xsl:otherwise>
10 |      <xsl:variable name="type" as="xs:string">
   |        <xsl:choose>
   |          <xsl:when test="../self::h:img">image</xsl:when>
   |          <xsl:when test="ancestor::h:video">video</xsl:when>
   |          <xsl:when test="ancestor::h:audio">audio</xsl:when>
15 |          <xsl:otherwise>
   |            <xsl:sequence select="'media-cleanup-err'"/>
   |          </xsl:otherwise>
   |        </xsl:choose>
   |      </xsl:variable>
20 | 
   |      <xsl:variable name="parts" select="tokenize($adjusted-uri, '/')"/>
   |      <xsl:sequence select="string-join($parts[position() lt last()], '/')
   |                            || (if (count($parts) gt 1) then '/' else '')
   |                            || $type || '/'
25 |                            || $parts[position() eq last()]"/>
   |    </xsl:otherwise>
   |  </xsl:choose>

In other words, if the adjusted URI for an image is path/to/somewhere.png, this template will return path/to/image/somewhere.png and make similar adjustments to the audio and video paths.